AGSIL 16H is manufactured by PQ corporation and is one of the few silica products on the market that is water soluble. This simple powder will save money over buying water-based Silica Bottle products. This is approved for organic use as a foliar spray and is an excellent oil emulsifier. Compare to Pro-Tekt, Rhino Skin, Silica Blast and all other Silica Bottled products. There is no secret ingredient, all are made from potassium silicate. How to use: Dry recipe: Use 1.5 Grams (Just under 1/2 teaspoon) Per Gallon of Water for Foliar Spray or Soil Drench. How to use this powder dry with your Neem Oil: Mix 1.5 grams (Just under 1/2 Teaspoon) AgSil 16H with 1/2 Ounce Ahimsa Pure Neem Oil to emulsify the oil. Then mix this emulsified oil with one-gallon final volume spray solution. Spray every other week covering all plant surfaces (top and bottom of leaves) until it runs off.